The great aroma of barbeque food sizzling on the grill is a choice of all foodies as this food encourages friends and loved ones to gather. Let's share some quick and easy recipes for a casual lunch, a candle light dinner, a kid's party or celebrating any special day with relatives. Whatever the occasion you are going to celebrate, a grill in your backyard will make your place little special and memorable. It is great to serve this food at your party for varied reasons. The main reason is that braais is extremely versatile. Not only is it a versatile way to serve up a tasty meal, but it can also be healthy, and accommodating for individuals with particular dietary needs.
Dress up your braai with dinner plates of tasty ingredients that just yell, 'Eat me'
1: Cooking Marshmallows on The Braai
Cooking time: Maximum 8-10 minutes
Preparation time: Maximum 12-15 minutes
1 large pack of marshmallows
Cold milk or 2 tots cream
Bar-one chocolates= 3
Bamboo sticks
Add all the three chocolates and cream to a medium sized iron pot and keep it over slow-medium heat. Since the pot starts heating, the chocolates and cream should heat up equally, and the chocolate will liquefy. Blend constantly until chocolates turns into a smooth sauce. Take the pot out from the fire. While the pot is made up of cast iron, so it will keep its heat and the chocolate paste hot for a while after that, place marshmallows on bamboo sticks; dip the sticks in the chocolate paste. Some braais skewered marshmallows by holding the skewer over the blazes or coal. Braaing marshmallows will teach the necessary principles of braaing.
2: Preparing Braaied Chocolate Banana Pudding
Grilling time: maximum 20 minutes
Grilling method: direct
Things You Need:
Bananas = 4
Chocolate bars = 2
5ml lemon juice
Aluminum foil
250 ml whipped cream
Spray lemon juice over all bananas to prevent them to turn into brown and add a little flavor. Put the chocolate pieces into the slit of the bananas, wrap in the aluminum foil and place on the barbeque grid. Braai for about 20 minutes to make sure that both sides are well-cooked properly. Take out foil from bananas and serve hot with the whipped cream.
Choosing the suitable grill for preparing this kind of food is important because only a good grill can bring taste to the meal. Consider purchasing a suitable grill before you start cooking the food.
There are several websites supplying better quality wood and coal, some of them also offer ready-to-eat and convenient braai recipes. Visit different websites and get a complete guide on whatever you require.
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To discover real smoky fragrances and crispy meat recipes, don't hesitate to get in touch with Thomas Rhodes. Find out more about braai cape town, braai tips, recipes and much more by visit the site.